Alpine Home Daycare

High quality enriched educational Stem engaged curriculum activities that encourages Gross & Fine Motor developmental skills. Enhances literacy, language development, social interaction and emotional development.

Call to make an appointment to tour our gated home daycare. Parents will be provided a gate remote to enter facility.
Follow us "like" our Facebook page "Alpine Home Daycare" to see all the fun educational activities the kids are learning.
Lic# 376627071

Award achievements  image
Alpine Home Daycare has been award for recognition in 2019 from the Alpine award program of Alpine, Ca. For Recognition in demonstrating the ability to grow a small business with various marketing methods, inspite of the economic times.
Alpine Home Daycare was chosen and exemplified to be the best small business in the category of Family child daycares, in Alpine Ca through the customer service and community involvement. The award was honored to the business owner of Alpine Home Daycare Amberlee Murray as a result of her dedication and efforts in building and achieving such honors in a small business in this selection category of a small home based business.
Kids Creative Connections imageKids Creative Connections imageKids Creative Connections image
Are you looking for a structured routine for your child to learn the early stages of brain development and the growing potential that your child deserves. We are a licensed in-home child daycare that strives to teach and prepare your child to learn and grow creatively. By age appropriate activities such as workbooks learning the basics of reading, writing, nursery rhymes, learning the ABC's, counting 123's, colors, shapes, animals and sounds.
Children need to be creative and enjoy the great outdoors. Most of our activities will be outside over looking a beautiful park-like backyard of big oak trees, fruit trees, chickens and a garden. That's where the kids will play during recess, paint arts & crafts and eat their snacks. We also provide nutritional meals & snacks during care. Offer dietary restrictions to children that need restrictions such as dairy, tree- nut, soy, fish, shellfish, eggs, wheat and any other allergies. And very flexible with each custom situation of child's care need. We like to work together to make it easier for the parents.
What makes our care stand out is our vision of child growth and the excitement of learning. Each child learns at their own pace. So, we work more one-on-one individually care for each student. Our park-like backyard captures the imaginations of a child's mind. The scenery and the sounds of nature are very pleasing and playful for the kids to grow and learn. We have sites of seeing beautiful peacocks, blue jays, hummingbirds, owls and red hawks.
We have monthly themed topics which makes it fun and exciting for the kids to enjoy learning.

Benefits of A Home-based Daycare image
  • A home-like environment
  • One teacher
  • Fewer cases of illnesses since fewer children of exposure in care
  • Mixed age groups allowing siblings interaction
  • More flexibility/accommodation to needs of parents-child's needs, nutrition, allergies, schedules etc..
  • Lower tuition cost
  • Teacher & Parents often become close-like family
  • More one-on-one individual pace of child's learning development
  • Parents receive text message of child's special moments of educational learning activities & milestones
  • 2495 Marshall Ct, Alpine, CA, USA
  • Call and schedule an appointment to tour our home facility. No home tours without an appointment. Gated home code needed to enter facility.